Veggie Girl

The UK McDonalds has plant-based options 😍 #fastfoodhouse #comedy #plantbased #mcdonalds

Veggie Girl meets Carl’s Jr 😡 w/ @felixlikethecatt #comedy #fastfoodhouse #plantbased #vegan

Wendy chooses Sonic over Veggie Grill 😭 #fastfoodhouse #comedy #plantbased #fastfood

Texas Road House doesn’t like Veggie Grill 😳 #fastfoodhouse #comedy #plantbased #texasroadhouse

Veggie Grill dressed as BEEF for Halloween 😱 #halloween #comedy #fastfood #fastfoodhouse

Veggie Grill gets pranked on APRIL FOOLS #fastfoodhouse #aprilfools #comedy #veggiegrill

Veggie Grill tries Veggie Grill 👀 w/ @VeggieGrill #vegan #plantbased #veganfastfood

Veggie Girl uses her vegan magic powers on the Fast Food House 🪄 #halloween #plantbased #comedy

Vegan trickery [pt3] 😈 @emmi_xi @girlsgotrhythm @ScubaStephh @dustdoinit @ItsGoodBurgerEd #comedy

A Day With The Veggie GIRLS

Veggie Grill gets her facts straight 🤓 #veganhumor #plantbased #comedy #fastfoodhouse

Veggie Grill asks Chick-Fil-A if they have vegan options 😳 #veganhumor #fastfoodhouse #comedy

Veggie Grill ‘tries’ Grimace's b-day shake 😳 w/@ScubaStephh & @girlsgotrhythm #grimace #grimaceshake

Veggie Girl uses her swimsuit to get people to like veggies [pt 3] #comedy #plantbased #vegan

Some of y’all were triggered😂 #vegan #shorts #shortsfeed

Veggie Girl does San Diego Comic-Con [pt. 6] w/ @girlsgotrhythm #fastfoodhouse #comedy #plantbased

Veggie Girl uses her swimsuit to get people to like veggies [pt 1] #comedy #plantbased #vegan

Veggie Girl FORGETS veganism pt 4 @emmi_xi @girlsgotrhythm @ScubaStephh @HeyItsMichaelMacRae

Dominos & Veggie Grill do NOT get along 😳 #fastfoodhouse #comedy #plantbased #fastfood

Veggie Girl FORGETS veganism 🤯 [pt2] @ScubaStephh @girlsgotrhythm @ItsGoodBurgerEd @francodcalma9256

Veggie Girl & Fast Food House meet their fans at VidCon [pt 6] #fastfoodhouse #comedy #plantbased

Veggie Girl meets an intense fan 😱 w/ @MissEllieHoneybee #comedy #plantbased #vegan #veggiegirl

Veggie Grill has vegan superpowers 😳 #fastfoodhouse #comedy #periods #plantbased

The Vegan Teacher isn't vegan!